Cambridge A, and AS level Exam 2023 Results Concerns
A meeting was held in MoFEPT, participated by Ms. Uzma Yousaf, Country Director, Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE), Ms. Maria Rehman, Director British Council, Executive Director IBCC, Chairman FBISE, and Heads of various Private Schools. Following decisions have been taken to address the concerns raised by students and parents in the wake of unexpected grades in A, and AS level exams 2023. A retake exam will be held by Cambridge in October, where students can appear for its subjects / components which were missed due to Law & Order situation on 10th, 11thand 12th May, 2023. · Cambridge will not charge any fee for the conduct of such exams. British Council will provide a reduced cost plan of logistics. · Re-evaluation and Re-assessment of individual cases will be carried out, where enormous difference is found to have been noticed between school assessed grades and Cambridge assessment grades. Schools will submit requests of re-evaluation & re-assessment to Cambridge, & the schools will bear 80% of the cost of such requests. However, 20% cost would be borne by the parents. If as a consequence of such re-evaluation Grades are changed, entire fee will be reimbursed Ministry will hold meetings with Vice Chancellors of renowned universities to provide flexibility in their admission to schools. · Ministry will also coordinate with provincial governments to initiate similar measures by them. A complaints redressal mechanism is also being setup under Private Institution Education Regulatory Authority (PIERA) in Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training to keep track of unresolved complaints. Parents and candidates can also directly reach out to Cambridge International via email PEIRA Complaint cell via email: