Caretaker Federal Minister Madad Ali Sindhi said on Wednesday that the civilization of Sindh was multi-lingual, multi-religious and multi-ethnic that had produced many eminent writers and Ali Baba was one of them.
Caretaker Federal Minister Madad Ali Sindhi said on Wednesday that the civilization of Sindh was multi-lingual, multi-religious and multi-ethnic that had produced many eminent writers and Ali Baba was one of them. Delivering his speech at the launch of the book on the life and achievements of renowned Sindhi writer Ali Muhammad popularly known as Ali Baba here. The book “Ali Baba’s Personality and Art” has been written by writer and columnist and Caretaker Federal Minister for Education Madad Ali Sindhi. The minister said he himself was one of the lucky ones who saw Ali Baba in various cities of the province. Madad Ali maintained that Sindh was a province with a strong culture and civilization and Sheikh Ayaz was considered among the great modern poets of the province. Madad Ali Sindhi said that he had written about the personality of Ali baba in great detail in the book. Despite being a great writer Alibaba was oblivious to his greatness, Madad Ali said adding that Ali Baba’s writings reveal the depth of human existence and self. About the works of Ali Baba, the minister said he contributed wonderful works like the novel Moenjo Daro and drama Dungi Manj Darya. Terming Ali Baba’s art as immortal and timeless,Madad Ali hoped his writings would be translated in Urdu, English and other languages.