Groundbreaking Initiative in Education: Character Education and Life Skills Strategy Launched

"Groundbreaking Initiative in Education: Character Education and Life Skills Strategy Launch

Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training (MOFEPT) is proud to announce a revolutionary approach to education, focusing on character education and life skills development for students in junior classes (Grade 1-5). This innovative strategy aims to reduce academic pressure and engage young minds in activities that foster essential values and skills.

Starting immediately, with a phased implementation plan, this initiative will reach all government schools after summer vacations. Our goal is to expose impressionable young minds to global best practices, instilling values like:

- Honesty

- Integrity

- Cleanliness

- Respect for the rule of law

- Care and compassion

- Tolerance

- Love and empathy for one another

By adopting a incremental approach, we ensure a seamless integration of this strategy, paving the way for a brighter, more compassionate future. Join us in this transformative journey, and let's nurture the #nextgeneration of responsible, informed, and #empatheticcitizens.

Let us pray for the success of this endeavor, as we shape the minds and hearts of our future leaders."