Our Kids Deserve Better Living, for healthy life and learning
Our Kids Deserve Better Living, for healthy life and learning School Meals Program which has been active in ICT has been providing meal support to school kids. The program has hit a new reality based on evidence from program implementation. The BMI (body mass index) of kids were reported during programs. It came to light that a high majority of children have BMI less than the dangerous minimum threshold. This then contributes significantly towards their reduced mental and emotional health and learning levels. Today, a public meeting was at school-level with the parents of such children who fall in this bracket. They were provided with the package which contains 3-week supplementary nutritions to cover for these shortcomings. They were guided on how to use these nutritional packages for most effective results. This has been made possible with the Allawala Trust, who have enabled this program in coordination of the M/o Federal Education & Professional Training.