MoFEPT has signed an LoU with LUMS School of Law
The Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training (MoFEPT) and Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law (SAHSOL) - Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) to sign a Letter of Understanding (LoU) at the MoFEPT on 19 September, 2023. This collaboration based around developing informed policy and action-oriented research solutions in order to provide enhanced access to education and improved learning outcomes for children. Mr. Waseem Ajmal Chaudry, Federal Secretary MoFEPT, led a productive multidimensional discussion and set-up the ground for reflections by all participants in a graceful LoU signing ceremony. Several important stakeholders participated in the ceremony including the Additional Secretary MoFEPT, Senior Joint Secretary of International Coordination, key stakeholders from other Departments including Pakistan Institute of Education, Federal Directorate of Education, National Curriculum Council, IBCC, and private sector entities in research and public policy area including Tabadlab, I-SAPS etc. LUMS was represented by Dr. Sikander A. Shah, School of Law (LUMS); Uzair J. Kayani, HoD SAHSOL, Dr. Bilal Ahsan Malik, Associate Dean of Student Affairs at LUMS, and Dr. Mariam Haider, Associate Professor in the School of Education-LUMS. Various potential avenues of intersection were recognized between the stakeholders such as proposed legal reforms in education, analytical research to support draft legislations for educational provisions and opportunities for children, research support for development of research-backed and holistic school curricula, material incentives for children to come to schools, capacity building for school campuses and teachers, the responsible use of technology to improve education, effective public-private partnerships, and efficient devolution frameworks to allow successful implementation. A number of actionable solutions were proposed and stakeholder engagements were inaugurated for future collaboration. The ceremony also functioned as an initial scope mapping exercise, whereby each stakeholder provided a uniquely helpful perspective on the gaps within the education system in Pakistan, as well as possible solutions to the problems. The meeting concluded with the signing of the LoU and enthusiastic intent from all stakeholders to begin working on the partnership.